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The Library is well stocked and laid out for reading and research purposes. It also acquires, organizes, preserves and makes available a large volume of informative materials to students and staff while maintaining a growing collection of books in diverse areas of study.


The ICT room is equipped with modern computer units with LCD monitors, which are networked. The curriculum is practical-oriented and skills based. Internet access is available with filters. ICT is also integrated in the teaching of other subjects and the use of multimedia is encouraged.
The use of ICT is integrated into teaching which enables various learners to be carried along in the teaching process. Students engage in projects that enhance reasoning and thinking skills.


Laboratory work is an area of great importance in all aspects of Natural Sciences. To this end, our science laboratory consists of Biology, Chemistry and Physics laboratories. Each laboratory is well stocked with different science equipment and chemicals, reagents, and relevant charts that facilitate learning. Experiments are conducted regularly both within regular lesson periods and on weekends when such needs arises.
The Physics laboratory has numerous instructional resources to aid practical teaching in the complex areas of electricity, heat, light, mechanics etc. The Chemistry laboratory has the fume cupboard, atomic models, boilers, charts, water bath, Kipp's apparatus and various volumetric and qualitative analysis apparatus.


In Bookman British Academy, Arts and creativity are given their pride of place. We have a standard and well stocked studio and seasoned teachers. The Art Club’s activities within and outside the school premises go a long way in assisting the students to master the subject and help them to develop the sense of creativity.
Students have the opportunity to learn various aspects of crafts such as weaving, carving, moulding and designs. Students that are art inclined are given the opportunity to display their visual and imaginative talents during school events and on the Mirror Wall, a wall for free expression of talent.


The school clinic is well equipped with modern medical equipment and with essential drugs. It has qualified nurses and Matrons. Students with minor ailments are treated and those with severe illness are referred to an adopted hospital close to the school. Usually, in this instance, the parent of such a student is contacted within 6 hours. Generally, the students hardly fall sick since we take many steps to ensure safe and healthy living.


Music is considered very important in the school. Every child, upon admission, is expected to choose a musical instrument of his or her choice. This is to enable the child acquire the skill needed in the handling of the instrument before graduation in Year 12. The school’s Orchestra band have their days of rehearsals. There are also specific hours for practice of the use of the different musical instruments.


The school considers the physical fitness of the students as very important. We have sports facilities to cater for diverse talents in order to develop the physical, mental, social and emotional well being of the child. Some of the facilities include: Court for Basket Ball, and Tennis. A good football pitch with a blend of lasting grass, that makes play surface more attractive and cushions falls during rough and tumble. There are also other indoor games facilities.